Native Lily |
Native Lily Close Up |
These grew everywhere, it seemed, in the RRCreek valley around Holden Village, along with thousands of trillium (trillia?). They probably grew everywhere around here, too, given this area was woodlands not so long ago (and still is, kind of). Having this flower show up makes HV (our true home?) feel not so far away.
We have another native lily in our yard that usually comes back and blooms each year. I just went out and checked, and its about 16"-18" tall; no buds yet. I will try to remember to post images when it blooms too.
After years of using my iPhone, I got a new camera - an Olympus TG-6. It is basically a point and shoot model, and does not have very high resolution nor very much optical zoom. But it is small, sealed, and kind of shock resistant; it has aperture priority, macro, and a few other modes that make it more useful than a point and shoot model; has some intriguing accessories; and can transfer images to my phone wirelessly. Which makes it easier to get images to this blog, I should hope. I got it partly because there was a wedding and some travel planned in the family, and I wanted more than just the phone camera. The wedding and travel plans are on hold - kind of disappointing - but we are all healthy and in the upright position. Can't beat it with a stick, and it's better than the alternative, yes?
And it shouldn't go without saying, so I will say it: I hope you all are well and and as healthy as can be, and able to use this interregnum to notice what feels good, what works good, and how we can honor the sacrifices of this time to make our world and the lives of others better. OK, I will hop off the soapbox now!
BTW, the phone function seems to be the least used function of my phone. But I still like hearing from family and friends. Drop a dime, folks! (I am so old to remember pay phones using a dime. I am so old for remembering pay phones!) I would love to hear how you are doing.
Peace and balance -
- m2